Plot # 19

This has not yet been edited. 
Over the next few days i will try to organize and fill this out with information and photos of my garden plot at Cottonwood community gardens.

I first learned of Cottonwood community gardens while doing the environmental youth alliance internship in the gardens. In which period of time i learned and did a lot in the gardens.

I have had this plot for three years, (i think at least). When i first was assigned it the plot had grown in for  a few years. Actually i wanted another plot but the other new gardener that i did the tour with said that she felt like it was to much work so i agreed to take this plot. I put a lot of labour into it that first year. I wasnt exactly as welcomed as i am now in the community, but what ever i was a 25 year old male who looked like a drug addict i was on a crazy anti-depressant which that and a long with smoking killed my appetite so i was under weight, it is the downtown eastside so i understand their defensive stance to begin with. I also rarely went to meetings and the occasional work party.  I was not assigned a task area in the first year, i was asked to do a couple things, but for the most part i weeded and landscaped the public area in between my plot and my neighbors. It was my idea because my neighbor hadnt weeded her plot and it was over run with buttercups so i wanted to make a barrier. I had a lot stolen that year, as i have every year.

One morning during that first year i had gone outside on my balcony. I  turned my cell phone onto vibrate and placed it on the window ledge. I then placed my cup of coffee on my table i had constructed out of some bricks and an old coffee table top. A few minutes later while i was looking at my plants at the other end of the balcony my cell phone began vibrating. I stood up and started to walk towards it only to watch the cell phone vibrate off the ledge and into the cup of coffee.  That is why there is no pictures from that year.

I have done many experiments in my plot of which i will fil into this space later.

My intention was to have this plot a zero budget plot, meaning i would spend no money on it. Sadly summer of 2009 i spent 25 dollars on seeds, of which i still have at least half, and most of the rest did not sprout.

The Fallowing Photos are from January 2009.

Red clover.


The public area that i landscaped and manage on the west side of my plot looking south.

The original photo was much better and you could zoom in on each little plant. These have been uploaded converted downloaded and uploaded again.

Peas. They didnt make it through till spring.


East looking south west.

Carrot? love in the mist? i think carrot.

A variety of Sage.

I have also forgot the name of this one.

Day lilies growing in the snow.

These are Radish seeds.

More Teasel.

Raddichio Lettuce.


Another whos name i forgot.

Bachelor Buttons.

My wild strawberries. Wow i have a lot more of them now.


Hard to tell it looks like a radish buti may be a Bulls Blood Beat.

Definably a Bulls Blood Beat. I grew this one for seed. My garden was vandalized and i didnt go back to pick them. Hopefully they come up this year.

That must be a Riddicho or a Bulls Blood Beat. Probably Beat.

Valerian Roots.

Dock, I believe its Yellow Dock. The Root is yellow.

The fallowing photos are from April 2009.

The furthest left Rhubarb plant was there with the plot, after the first year i divided it and placed the smaller sectiosn on the hill around the Butterfly bush (Buddleia Davdii).

This is the east side of the plot looking south. The poles in the dirt are Mullein from 2008 that i placed there to grow peas and squash up. You can see the Rhubarb of the first picture in the background. In betweent he two objects is garlic and chives growing in the area i have them naturalized to.

That Holly Hock is actually the same one in photos of February 2010.

This is the south/back side of my plot. I think im not suppose to do anything there but every year the city comes by and cuts the long grass (? not sure the type im sure its not grass, more like wheat or something) and sprays seeds all over my plot. Along with the grass is morning glory, locust and black berry.

This is the top right of the previous picture. The plants to the right of the container is a variety of Bachelor Buttons.

Variegated comfrey and im not sure the name of the other one.

The strawberry pot in the upper right has variegated Hostas. It was stolen when all the Hostas were growing large and filling out each hole. I found out the day i took my camera for photos.

My purple flowering tulips and on the right is iris'.

I forgot the name of this.

This is Oregano in a pot. It is kind of making me question how long i have had this plot. I remember growing this oregano in my plot for two seasons. Then i moved it to pots to contain it because it was taking up a lot of room.

This is what the west half of my plot looked like in April 2009 after i did a bit of spring landscape maintenance. The same maintenance and more i did in Febraury of 2010 I believe.

This is the west side of my pot looking south. This part is not actually a part of my plot it is public. I have filled it full of stuff to act as a barrier. Day lilies, Iris', The orange ones that have a lot of little flowers that are opposite of each other (i will eventually remember the name) valerian, some dandelions and a curly willow stuck in a container. I believe in 2008 i planted a bunch of poppies to fill up empty space.

Radishes, i think.

This is a Orach seedling.

These violets are edible.

I still dont know what this last one is but i have them growing back this year.

The Fallowing Photos are of September 2009. Im not going to list the plants, i may come back and do so at another time, especially if i find out blogspot has a tagging system.

This Evening Primrose is actually dead. It died last month. sadly i thought it was going ot be the biggest ever. That is it on its first year.

Three was two near each other on my Evening Primrose that day.

Those are calendula seeds not little bugs.

Tomorrow i will update February and march 2010.

Some photos of late march early april 2010. Will add captions later.

April 25th 2010