Sunday, June 21, 2009

Well not a lot to say about the urban thicket. The owner is my ex-girlfriend, her outdoor tap is busted and the co-op wont fix it. So its only been watered three times in the last two months, that was me watering it by bucket. She bought an attatchment for her sink so she can run the hose and now that my cat isnt taring things up theres a chance some life may begin to flourish. I didnt get a whole pile of pictues cause im off to my garden plot, which i only have pictures of on my phone cause i as of yet do not own a digital camera. My phone takes horrible shots to which i to ba cause my plot turned out well andtheres always lots of butterflies, bees and foliage.

Considering the lack of care the urban thicket has had i spent some time reorganizing and crushing up last years pruned rose switches and pilling them on as a mulch.

Sadly despite hw many snap dragon seeds i let go onto the ground last year none of them came up and the only one there is one that lived through out the winter, which ifi get the chance im going to chop it into little cuttings and fill in the area near itas even its eeds didnt sprout, though they may need hot weather and a lot of water i do not know.

Any ways photos of the thicket below. Im off to plot number 19.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Went to my garden to give it a nice heavy watering. Wow it was happy with that, by the time i left everything had grown a little.

Exciting times, 5 new lettuces bringing the total up to 7, though their likely to bolt, im not actually sure why they would sprout now instead of months ago when it was cooler as lettuce likes cool soil to germinate... supposedly.

It will be a while before i get pictures as i dont have a camera right now. but my garden is almost filled in nicely at this rate in a month i will have to be taking leaves and branches off plants to make room for stuff.

Some one has stolen multiple plants form me. It is really sad, most of my plants i have started without budget, by seed collected, cutting, or a small chunk of rhizome. The ones stolen had all been growing for 2 years to get to the point that they were.

Made a crazy noodle soup today. Check this out; Instant noodles (not the kind that comes with flavouring in a single portion package what a waste and they have msg in flavouring), kale (from the garden), chive flowers (from the garden), calendula leaves (fg), fennel seeds (fg last years), green onion (from urban thicket), beet leaves (fg), lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli, some plant i dont know the name of (from jills garden, she gave it to me), green beans, 2 eggs, red pepper, soy sauce and some hoison sauce.

Well ill be getting my camera around the 20th then i will post back with pics and stuff. Also i will be working more on my herbology compendium once i get the camera.