Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My garden in febraury 2010.

The plant in the pot is feverfew, behind it is where my chocolate mint grows. My chocolate mint is meant to be temporaraly there as it doesnt get very much sun. I intentionalyldid that so it wouldnt spread as bad through out my garden while i store it there for a couple years.

 The leaf at the top of the page is sage, i do not know the name of the variety, though commonly it is referred to as culinary sage. The photo is of the two snail shells which i almost buried when filling in the whole that i dug jerusalem artichokes out of. Keen eye to detail is a highly revered trait of a gardener, taking the time to really look at things strengthens this. Looking at the world like im looking for a photo is a way to really exercise this.

This photo is of day lillys, which i have not yet been brave enough to eat a flower but will commit myself to it this year. In the background along the base of the logs is valerian, which i harvest for its sleep benefits.

Garlic at the bottom. Rhubarb in the second tier. A variegated plant(?) around the rock. Bachelor buttons next to the rock.

This is a picture of the same space as the previous one. above the rhubarb next to the variegated plant is a teasel which i grow a few of every year.

Kale that over wintered.

This is the area that i grow calendula for food and i make extract the oil. I do not know what this is growing here, i remember removing it then learning what it was and putting it back in. It starts growing early enough and dies early enough that it doesnt interfere with anything else that i want to grow in this space, maybe find more plants with similar earlyness and fill out this area in spring.

This is a hanging basket i have at my garden that i grow lemon balm in, i like it when it blows in the wind and smells the place up but i also use it to rub inbetween my hands before i wash them or drink out of them, adds a nice flavor to the water. I do not know the flowering plant that is also in there, though last year i had figured it out, so may be i will find it in my bookmarks and update this information.

 I do not know the name of the large plant in the front center of this picture, it has radish like flowers early summer.

Lambs ear, kale, blue irises (maybe tulips also, pictures to small to see) in the bottom right corner.

The area in the front is where i removed lambs ear from. The large plant is broccoli from last year.beneath it is lambs ear and tulips.Holly hock and a tiny tulip beside it.

 My cloning/intermediary transplant box. Spearmint dangling. Mullein. Garlic chives, kale, herb robert.

chocolate mint rhizomes, or runners that i pulled form my garden. They should be going into someone elses garden but i have no contracts.

on the left of the containers is bachelor buttons. In side is honeysuckle, there is also likely valerian and variegated feverfew and mugwort.

I do not know the name of this plant, its a nice landscaping plant. surprised it hasnt been stolen like my other nice landscaping plants and plant pots. It hasnt grown vary much because its only in full sun as long as the other plants that grow around it (usually a variety of flowers) are not there to shade it.

 The bucket load of jerusalem artichokes or sun chokes i pulled from my plot. To remove these i had to dig about two feet down.

Some of the chokes, the larger ones. The one on the bottom left is the size of two of my fists side by side.

 The lettuce (butter crunch (?) that survived winter. A week later it was quit a bit larger.

Vining archangel taken from my urban thicket project. I am watching it closely to make sure it doesnt spread.

This is a stray lettuce, (i believe). It is not in my plot but off to where the old weed pile was before the gardens expaned. I was there a few weeks after this photo was taken and there is also swiss chard about two feet away.

When facing south on the path this is the right side of my plot. By the bucket is where i pulled jerusalem artichokes from. There is also in the vicinity garlic chives.

This is a climbing hydrengea on the east side of the shed of cottonwood community gardens.

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