Monday, January 19, 2009

urban thicket 2009


So far plants sprouting/ growing are;
Dianthus (multiple varieties)
2x Honey suckle (yellow flowering I think)(one has been grown indoors all winter and is now being hardened off)
Tulips (not sure on varietys)
Jacobs ladder
Rose (small pink flowers that turn white before they die)
Hen and chicks
corsican mint
fox glove (purple digitalis)
Dragon snaps
Sage ( A culinary variety)
Green onions
plantain lilly
Bleeding hearts
cat grass
6 varieties i don't know the names of

In my girlfriends house

So i moved all my indoor plants to my girlfriends until i find a suitable place to move into.
Yes it is looking like a small rain forest in here.
The list.

2x majesty palms
Honey suckle
Variegated spider plant
spider plant
Christmas cactuses ( a lot of little ones starting all over the place)
Purple margined dracanea
yellow margined dracanea
3x Rex begonia escargot
2x Tradescantia Pallida
3x oak tree saplings ( just started growing one day, i love re-using dirt and getting surprises)
Spathyphylum (the larger peace lilly variety)
2x oxalis
oak leaf ivy
3 that i dont know the names of